
Sophie, Jack and Dad

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Fall Festival

Happy Saturday Darling,

I wonder if you are getting much of a weekend. We took the kids to this fall festival at the elementary school last last. yeesh. complete chaos. Sophia had fun...played some games, ate a lot of sugar! I thought Marissa might kill me for taking her there, but she handled it all wonderfully. Sophia had an accident on Holly...luckily Holly had an extra sweatshirt in her car. Jack was entertained...just looking around. I had a throbbing headache by the time we got back home. Probably better off you missed that one! I did see one of the moms from MOPS, which was nice. Her husband is still in Iraq...until Feb. It was comforting to talk to her.

It's great to have Marissa here. Saturday morning got back a bit of it's charm today...big breakfast, pecan flavored coffee...leisure. Enjoyment of the weekend. The kids are really taking to her...especially Jack. We are in trouble. He gives her this crooked, very large, ladies man smile...kind of like his daddy.

I have lots of business to catch you up on...tree removal, tires on my car...but I will send you an email. The crap is never ending.

The picture is of Sophia's first tattoo! She hated it...made sure it was scrubbed completely off in the bathtub. Another is of her going up the slide. She was a bit apprehensive, and this sweet girl held her hand and helped her up. Precious. Jack ate and ate and ate.

Six weeks down now...I try not to think about time, it makes it go slower. I love you and hope you are having a good day!!

M xx