
Sophie, Jack and Dad

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Our Children...Our Life

The kids blew me away today. I am just so proud of them. Just when I think I can not love them anymore...I do.

I took them to Mike and Shannon's today because I had to work. Sophie was so excited to see her cousins...she practically kicked me out the door. Jack was, of course, happy because the puppy was there. I think 'Doggie' is his first real work, minus mama and dada. He is so smart, and I didn't realize. Since he is not walking, I imagine him less developed than he is. That is far from the truth. He is getting a sense of humor, and his words are just on the tip of his tongue. He is beginning to play more on his own...he needs his space some days, others he wants to be close to his mama. He giggles with Sophie all the time, and they are playing together more and more. He will pull her in the little wagon, or push her in the little shopping cart...he is such a moose!! She will kiss him, and he smiles so big! It is adorable. She always takes his socks off, and she just laughs at him. She will take care of him too though, try and put his shoes on...make sure he doesn't eat paper, or give him food. She will always share with him whatever she is eating...even chocolate...which she LOVES!! She hid her halloween candy in her bed!! I could tell that she spent the day with your brother...she 'yes sir'd' me all night!! It was cute, and just made me miss you.

Tonight at dinner, Jack was trying to use his fork. He would pick up his little piece of chicken nugget, and put it on his fork and then try to put it in his mouth. He actually did quite well!! I couldn't believe, I just didn't think he was there yet. And when he did it, he was so proud of himself...clapping and smiling! And digging right in again. I would help him, and he was so sweet...just smiling at me while I helped him. He did great.

Sophie was eating a popsicle for dessert, she did great too. Didn't drip any of it!! What a pro! She is drinking very well out of a cup too...we got it on video to show you. I think she likes it! Still only at the table though.

After baths, I was standing in the kitchen...Jack crawled up to me and pulled himself up on my legs. He then let go and looked up at me. He was standing there for at least ten second...on his own!!! And then he took one step, stopped and looked up at me again. He then put his arms up and grunted...translation, pick me up!!

I received your package today. You continue to surprise me. A poem. Not only a poem, a beautiful poem. You are the most wonderful man in the world. I can not wait until you come home. I love you. Thank you for being my husband.
