
Sophie, Jack and Dad

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Saint Milly

Hi! We miss you. Today was Sunday and I was brave and ventured to church with S and J. They were quite well behaved, considering. Sophia knows almost the entire Our Father, by the way. She is a genius. The guy sitting next to me was a retired Marine. Jack really liked him. We got to talking, and he was really nice. He smelled like an ashtray and the bottom of a bottle of gin though. Eek. He said his son was about Jack's age when he came home from the gulf...and that it totally sucked. He works on base still..his name is Mike, don't remember last. Very well dressed though...nice shoes. Hmmm. What else. Jack is doing really well starting to walk. He stands up on his own a lot, and took a step today. Just one...and then he plops on his dupa. He is so damn sweet. Oh, we developed your pix. They are awesome!! It would help if you were here to explain some of them...but it was really neat to see. Sophie and I sat on the computer after her bath tonight and looked through old photos, that seems to really help her deal with missing you. She will see a picture of you holding her when she was a baby and she gets so excited! It's just darling. She is sleeping in her own bed again...doing great with it actually. Me, not so much. I don't think I have slept in three nights...the bed is just to empty and I am too lonely. I am really missing you today. I hope you had a good day. We love you.